Monday, January 19, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Sorry my blogging has seemed to drop off completely...I've been puny this week. When I wasn't working, I was curled up on the couch with the humidifier going. Not really sure what the problem is - sinus, viral infection, etc. Guess if I broke down and went to the doctor I could find out, huh?? :)

Anyway, on with the important stuff...this week's meal plan-->

Sunday: chicken casserole, salad.
Monday: turkey, broccoli, mashed potatoes with gravy.
Tuesday: sloppy joes, grean beans, hominy.
Wednesday: grilled lunchmeat sandwiches, salad.
Thursday: baked chicken breasts or salisbury steak, stuffing or baked potatoes, salad.
Friday: Domino's pizza or eating at school function.
Saturday: turkey pot pie, salad.

Today I'm baking the turkey I'd originally purchased for Thanksgiving, but forgot to put in the fridge to thaw as we were leaving town the weekend before the holiday. I bought a smaller turkey breast to get us through Thanksgiving. So, now I'm baking the beast I bought first! Will be nice, though, to have supper ready for tonight, then put the rest in the freezer - including the carcass. I'll boil down the carcass at a later date to make stock for soup...which I'll freeze after making.

I hope you all have an awesome week. If you've been in the "deep freeze" like we have been here in Missouri, I pray warmer temps come your way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok you've got to do better with the blog!!! I look here every morning to see if you have left me any words of wisdom that I didnt know before and normally you do! Love you!