Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God's got it all under control...

I've know for months that at some point my job would come to an end. I found out in December that the target date was January 31st. Since I only work Tuesday through Thursday, that makes the date January 29th. One week away.

I'm kicking myself now for not applying for a job where my brother-in-law and sister-in-law work. They had openings back just before Thanksgiving. At that time I didn't know the definitive cut-off date for my position and, truthfully, still had hopes that something would work out where I am. Now those spots are filled.

For the past two or three days I've scoured the internet for state and federal job openings and have applied for a couple of them. Today I took the test for Census 2010 jobs (it's a government job...and yes the test-taking was as bad as you imagine). There's a resume and application that I mailed today that I'm praying heavily over. It's full time with awesome benefits and extremely decent pay. It's a job that technically I'm over qualified for, but a job that I'd be perfect for. It's at the place where my mother-in-law retired a couple years ago. My hope is that my last name alone will get my resume a second glance.

At this point, I still need to bring in an income. Otherwise, I wouldn't be searching at all. Truthfully, up until a couple weeks ago I really didn't feel an urgency in searching. That changed last week...big time. I haven't stressed over it, though. I've prayed. I know God is in control. I believe that I've always gotten the exact job He had lined up for me. This time will be no different. I have always sent out multiple resumes or applications...but I've never had to choose between multiple job offers...there's always just been THE ONE. That'll happen this time too. In God's time - not mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm praying you'll find the perfect one for you and your family.