Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This little beauty is running all around Facebook right now. My cousin tagged me, so I had to do my part. Figured I'd post it here to my blog for posterity's sake.

25 Random Things About Me:

1. I am most times embarrassed by how many jobs I have had...especially now that I'm looking for a new one AGAIN. But, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God led me to each of those jobs for a reason.
2. Jim and I talked on the phone every night for at least 3 or 4 hours the week before we met.
3. Jim and I got engaged after only two weeks of dating.
4. I have the most wonderful husband in the world.
5. My desk/work area at my job MUST be completely in order for me to be able to work, but my house is cluttered. Go figure...
6. Some nights from out of nowhere I still have extremely vivid dreams about my mom (she passed away in February 2004).
7. I will never, ever forget the details of the last night/hours of my mom's life. It was a horrible night, but God was gracious enough to place a handful of "sweet" moments thoughout those hours.
8. I still get giddy at the thought of missing work for a snow day.
9. One of my eyebrows is slightly higher than the other.
10. I love to work word search puzzles...I keep a book of them in my car, in the living room, and even in the bathroom.
11. When I was in high school cruising the "big block" I used to have everyone's headlights memorized so I could honk at the people I liked. (yes, I was/am a dork!)
12. I love staying in hotels.
13. I love planning trips...even if we never get to take them.
14. I have a notched ear from falling onto a fireplace hearth as a child. My son was born with a notched ear just like mine. That's how Jim knew the nurses were bringing us the right baby while we were in the hospital after his birth.
15. There are times I miss my Mom and Granny so much I think my heart will explode.
16. Any time I hear a siren near my house I am VERY tempted to get in my car and chase it. My eyes get big, and Jim just laughs at me.
17. I love monster trucks, mud races, NASCAR and football.
18. I love nail polish that stays on even after showering and washing dishes.
19. Snakes up close and personal make me need clean underwear, but put them behind glass at the zoo and I could watch them ALL day.
20. I love going to the zoo.
21. I have had a few paranormal experiences, but think I'd be too scared to ever do an investigation with TAPS.
22. 99% of the time I no longer need an alarm clock to wake up by 5:30 or 6am every day.
23. If someone calls our house and can't pronounce our last name when they ask for Mr. or Mrs. Monteith, I usually just hang up on them.
24. I hardly ever cook something according to the recipe...I usually have to "tweak" something in it. Amazingly, I have only had to throw out TWO dishes of food in our 15 years of marriage. One of those I even followed the recipe exactly.
25. Other than the dog, I am officially the shortest person in my home now.

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