Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A wrench...

Well a wrench definitely got thrown in my Menu Plan for this week. However, it wasn't because of the winter storm as I'd previously expected. My microwave decided to die last night (Tuesday). Tonight was to be turkey a la king over baked potatoes. Well, there was no way I was gonna bake those potatoes in the conventional oven. That'd take waaaay too long. Instead I made a nice pot of chili. It kind of "suited" the day anyway since we had about 3 inches of sleet/freezing rain topped with 3-4 inches of snow on the ground outside.

It's now 8pm, and I have a nice, shiny, SPOTLESS, new black microwave installed over my stove. Jim was able to get it done with very minimal grunting and grumbling (for which I am extremely thankful). I know installing a microwave was not what he had planned for his evening. I'm am so thankful he is a great handyman!

He boiled some water in the new appliance, so it's been initiated. It's workout will come tomorrow when we're reheating all the leftovers from the first half of the week.

I'll wrap this post up with one of the cutest pics ever taken of our dog, Tuffy. He LOVES the snow. It's like he's a puppy again - running and cavorting in the fluffy white stuff. Anyway, I made him wait to come in until after I could snap this pic this morning. He looks none to happy about it either! =)

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