Monday, July 14, 2008

Roses are red...

A simple, unexpected gift of roses.

My sciatic nerve decided to be inflamed when I got up Sunday morning. So, I stayed home from church to pop ibuprofen and apply ice. When my guys returned, they brought me the roses.

My husband feels bad that he doesn't do this more frequently. While I love the gift, I don't like the $40-60 you have to give to the florist for them. I remember a recent conversation with hubby advising him that one of the local grocery stores carries fresh flowers that could be picked up for much less than our favorite florist charges. Little did I know that Sunday I would be the proud recipient of the aromatic beauties. Needless to say, I felt blessed.

While I dream for "date nights" we hardly ever really do them. I long for extended conversation over candlelit dinners; however, the conversation usually turns to work or Jake. Little things, like the flowers, fill this void and remind me of the days before we were married. I did realize months ago that we are at a point where we have to carve out time in our schedules for couple time, but I've failed to make it happen. My goal for the rest of the year and forward is to do better. Please let me know if you have any tips, thoughts, or ideas.

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