Sunday, July 13, 2008

Christmas in July

Well, not really...just PREPARING for Christmas in July.

Every year I think about how terrific it would be to give home made gifts at Christmas time. However, I think about this in November around Thanksgiving. THIS year is going to be different! I've begun one of five cross stitch pieces that I'm doing as gifts for family members. I also have half-way completed 6 "bed buddies" (rice-filled tube socks with a removable cover made of a sewn hand towel). Today I pulled out the supplies that I purchased LAST year to make these. I got the socks filled, sewn, and trimmed. Now all that's left is turning the hand towel into the cover.

***as a side note - if you've never tried one of these rice-filled bags - you are nissing out!!! heat them in the microwave for 2 minutes, then apply to achey muscles, neck, or forehead if you have a headache. awesome!

So this year I am more prepared in the home made gift arena, and I feel good about it. I decided this morning that each person who receives a gift or gifts from us will receive at least one home made item. I've got five plus months before these items must be wrapped and under the tree...I'm in good shape here! Yea me! :-)

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