Sunday, July 20, 2008

one casualty---

We have officially owned our house for 5 years and 4 days.
When we moved in and decorated our rooms Jake was 7 years old. His room was painted cream with a wallpaper border up top of labrador retreivers. Well, Jake is now 12 and has outgrown the border. So this weekend we made a change. As you can tell from the pics above Jake wanted something different. Originally he wanted the tan color with a big black stripe around the room. Yesterday we decided that the stripe might look better if it was "moving". The room is still not put back together completely, but the pics show how the stripe turned out. We all like it...I like it more every time I go in his room.
In all the work we've done since Friday night we have only had one casualty. The first picture shows how severe the accident. Jake and Jim were in charge of the placement and painting of the stripe. Let's just say Jake got a little too close to the paint tray with his foot. :)
An important lesson we learned?....Jim and I are NOT great painters! It's all good in theory...until we put it into action. We do not like to do the prep work (taping, covering furniture, etc. Of course, we pay for it in the end. We've got some scraping to do of windows and baseboards. You can rest assured neither of us will ever be hired as professional painters!
But, now my baby has a big boy room - and I'm adjusting. He's growing up, and I can't stop it. I can only pray that he turns into the awesome man of God that his daddy is...and he's off to a great start!

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