Wednesday, July 23, 2008

b-b-b-b-bad to the bone...

Ok, so sometimes you wanna be bad, right? Well, I figure if I'm gonna be bad I ought to be as good as I can while I'm being bad. Totally confused???

I wanted ice cream tonight!!!! Hubby took son to youth service at church so I could eat whatever I wanted and no one would ever know. I wanted to be good, but I wanted ice cream more. So...I hopped my not-so-skinny rear into my car and drove to the closest ice cream shop - one that I knew served fat free yogurt. Thank you God! I ordered a cookie dough non-fat yogurt concrete. Ok, I know the cookie dough wasn't fat free, but the yogurt was better than eating the ice cream. All I have to say is YUMMMMM!

We've tried to drop some pounds around here, but have had no luck yet. Hubby and I both began Atkins at the beginning of June. We actually made it completely through induction with no cheating. On day 15 hubby checked his blood sugar. Fasting was 130. What?!? His remark was "why am I doing this if my sugar isn't getting better"? By day 8/9 I began having a very unwelcome side effect that a lady should only experience once a month (and it wasn't THAT time). Thanks to Google I found out that this was a not-so-uncommon side effect. Well yippee for me, huh? Needless to say, we were done! I'd rather have 50 lbs to lose than have the other issue to deal with for Lord only knows how long.

We're trying to make better food choices and eat less now. At least neither of us gained back the 8 or so pounds we lost during induction. Unfortunately we both love to eat. That really stinks when you're trying to lose weight. I know it's a matter of will power and discipline. Trust me, both of these things have been made a matter of prayer.

Hey, in case I haven't said it lately - thanks for taking time out of your day to read my stuff here. I appreciate you stopping by for a moment in time...

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