Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I may have attempted to much...

Okay...here's the deal. As it's time for me to pick back up on my blogging, I'm not sure that I will keep up the same pace that I did towards the end of last year.

I was soooo proud of myself for coming up with the cutesy names: What's Cookin Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, and Free Tip Friday. But, honestly...do I really have 52 weeks worth of ideas for each of those??? I'm not that good! =)

I've learned that I really do enjoy blogging, though. However, during the past week I've been rearranging parts of our home and have created an awesome new scrapbooking spot for me in our downstairs family room.

I've not scrapbooked or made any cards for almost a year. A YEAR folks! Now, I've been at my new spot every day. I've already made the basic for 41 cards. All I have left to do on them is the embellishments. Let's just say my new space inspires me. It's the most organized my supplies have EVER been. Plus...hubby got me a Cricut Jukebox and the Cricut Design Studio for Christmas. However, I've yet to use either of them. I got on a roll with the cards that I didn't stop to learn the new tools yet!

Anyway...back to my main point...I'm not going anywhere. The blog isn't going away. But those "assigned" weekly posts will probably be going away. I'll still have posts on food and/or recipes, things I'm thankful for, and a tip every now and then. But just not on assigned days.

Thank you for sticking with me. I know I just changed my format a few months ago. Remember, I'm still new to the bloggy world and still trying to get the hang of it.

Tomorrow's post WILL have two yummy dishes included in it. So make sure to come back by.

Till then...

1 comment:

Donna B. said...

too bad we don't live closer, we could scrapbook together. :)