Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Beloved

I've been "tagged" for the first time. So here goes...

1. What's his name?
Gary James Monteith Jr., but he goes by Jim.

2. How long have you guys been married?
We will celebrate our 15th anniversary this New Year's Day. We start each year off right. And, neither of us can ever forget our anniversary! :)

3. How long did you date?
Ok, here's the good part...He helped some old friends of his move. As payback he told them they could introduce him to a good Christian girl. His old friends had gone to church with my folks for years. The wife of the couple said I was the first person she thought of. She called to ask if it was ok to give him my number. I said it was fine...I'm thinking "free meal"! We talked on the phone every night for a week. I mean four or five. hours. a. night! We finally had our first date. Two. I repeat TWO weeks later he was slipping that beautiful ring on my finger and asking me to spend the rest of my life with him.

4. How old is he?
Quickly approaching in about 25 days!

5. Who is taller?
He wins this one hands down. He is 6'7", and I'm only 5'7".

6. Who can sing the best?
Again, him hands down. I have to really try hard to make it sound good, but the beautiful notes and harmonies just flow out of his mouth.

7. Who is smarter?
Him again. I had to quit helping Jake with his math homework when he was in about 4th grade. Now, I got great grades in school...I just swear they've changed the math! Jim will tell you that I've got him beat, though, especially in the arena of the kitchen or household things.

8. Who does the laundry?
Finally one I win! :) Jim absolutely CAN and will do it, but I have this slight control thing. Need I say more?

9. Who pays the bills?
I do. Even when Jim quit full time work to go back to college full time, I've always paid the bills. I guess I look at it as one less thing he needs to stress over.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
If you're looking at the bed, I always sleep on the right. It used to be the other way around, until I was BIG pregnant with Jake. Not really sure anymore what caused the switch...possibly for me to be closer to the bathroom, or so I could sleep a specific way. Jake's now 12 1/2 and we've never gone back to the other way.

11. Who mows the lawn?
Now it's usually Jake with some help from Jim. Before Jake was able, it was always Jim.

12. Who cooks dinner?
I do. However, Jim's the "grill master". Let's just say that I cook inside and he cooks outside. :) Except for the mornings he makes us awesome omelets!

13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong?
Hmm...I guess I'd say we're even on that. We don't argue much.

14. Who kissed who first?
This one was mutual! :)

15. Who wears the pants?
Jim. I am soooo thankful to be married to a man who is not afraid to step up and be the spiritual leader of our home. He is an awesome man of God, and I pray Jake absorbs every little piece of that...I know we're doing all we can to make sure that happens.

So there you have it...all about my beloved. Consider yourself tagged!


Kimmon said...

Just realized I never linked to my "tagger", Michelle at

Be sure to pay her a visit!

mandy said...

Wait a minute... So you're sayin that he can and will do laundry, but you prefer to so you can stay in control of the situation? HAHA! Wow. I would totally hand over some laundry duties if I could. But he washes dishes instead... I'll take that any day.