Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The first moment...

Welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping by to take a peek into my "moment in time". I've been inspired by a friend of mine after reading her blog, and decided to take a shot at it.

Right now my son is at church camp having a wonderful time I'm sure. We're gearing up for his first football tournament of the year. This is his 3rd and last year on a traveling team. It has been a great adventure for all three of us. The long road trips provide for great family time.

I enjoy scapbooking, but have very much neglected the hobby for quite a few months. I've decided to stop telling folks that I am way behind in my scrapbooking. All I'm doing when I say that is piling guilt onto myself. So, no more! I am officially taking a brief hiatus from scrapbooking, and will begin again in the fall. :) No more pressure on myself to get caught up, but to just enjoy the moments to their fullest.

From a few things in my past, God has shown me to really enjoy every moment. You never know when someone in your life may be called home...make sure they know you love them.

So, friends, know that I love you and that God loves you. He and I want only the best for you.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Donna B. said...

Kim, what a nice beginning to your blog. I'm so glad you started one! I know for me it just sometimes gives an avenue for thoughts that sometimes get caught between the mind and the lips. ;) I look forward to reading more.
Donna (jean 1 ;) )