Sunday, March 22, 2009

On your mark...get set...go! (& Menu Plan Monday)

Tomorrow begins my new adventure and return to the world of full-time employment. The prep work I did last week was fun. I got groceries, had luck buying new clothes, got new shoes, planned meals, etc. Let's just say that I felt comfortable enough with the prep I'd done to go enjoy a full day of scrapbooking yesterday. I enjoyed the whole day, worrying about taking care of tasks at home. Yeah!

Laundry is being done this afternoon just to make sure we don't run out of anything before Friday night/Saturday when I get the chance to wash again. I think we're gonna be in really good shape!

I've normally made this post on Sunday night/Monday morning, but am not sure I'll have the opportunity to get another post in before bedtime tonight. So...this will also double as my Menu Plan Monday post. Since I've got the next two weeks planned, I'm gonna give it all to you at one time (also eliminating the need for a post next Sunday night!). Here you go:

Mon: beef roast and potatoes in the crock pot, green beans, salad
Tue: tacos
Wed: canned beef, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salad
Thu: leftovers
Fri: chicken breasts in the crock pot, stuffing, green beans
Sat: lasagna roll-ups, salad
Sun: chicken/turkey a la king and leftovers
Mon: meatloaf, broccoli, baked potatoes
Tue: ham and cheese quiche
Wed: salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, green beans
Thu: chicken breasts in the crock pot, stuffing, salad
Fri: tacos
Sat: swiss chicken
Sun: beef stroganoff and leftovers

As you can see, I'm taking advantage of my crock pot as I head back to work full time. That way while I'm away from home 10 hours a day, our supper can be cooking and ready when I get home. My meatloaf trick is to bake it ahead of time and pop it in to the freezer. The morning before we eat it, I take it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge. When it's supper time, we just stick it in the microwave and heat it up. I've already browned and seasoned the meat for our tacos and browned the sausage for the lasagna roll-ups. And, next Monday night while we're enjoying our pre-cooked meatloaf meal, our Tuesday night's quiche will be in the oven baking. That way we just have to reheat it Tuesday night and we're ready to eat.

I feel confident that my planning will work out. I tried to arrange it so that no matter how pooped I was after work I could handle getting the meal ready. I also have a back-up plan...there's hot dogs in the freezer! =) If something REALLY goes wrong one evening my guys can stick these in the microwave or on the stovetop and have supper in under 5 minutes. The best part is---they love hot dogs!

Ok, so the next post you read will tell of my wonderful new job and how smoothly everything went. So be sure to check back in a few days!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hate running out of work shirts so I try to do a load once a week.
These high winds are really kicking those of us wih allergies. Ugh!
Well, while I'm waiting for the coffee to brew I thought I would stop by MPM blogs and see what's being served.
Your menu sounds delicious.