Monday, February 9, 2009

Menu Plan Monday's 8:45 on Monday, and I forgot about MPM. Yikes! Here ya go...

Monday: turkey breast slices, gravy, potatoes, green beans
Tuesday: roasted Boston butt, broccoli, salad, lima beans
Wednesday: baked pork chops, corn, green beans
Thursday: sloppy joes, peas, salad
Friday: ??? Jake's at a sleepover, so possibly Applebee's (we have a gift card)
Saturday: turkey a la king, green beans
Sunday: lunch - roundsteak and gravy, potatoes, salad; supper - leftovers

I've also already planned the two weeks after this...but I'm gonna make you wait for it! hehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL you have way too much time on your hands to have planned two weeks ahead. But thanks round steak sounds good and we havent had it in awhile. How do you cook yours?