Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm In The Money!!!

Yep, it's ship has finally come in.

For those of you who haven't had the wonderful experience of filing for unemployment benefits through the state of Missouri - oh, you're missing out. My last day of work was Jauary 29th. I filed for the unemployment benefits that afternoon online. They now pay most of those benefits on a handy-dandy debit card, which I received in the mail early last week. Finally today there is some cold hard cash in that account...all it took was 20 days and an undisputed claim. Gee...wonder how long folks with a disputed claim have to wait.

If you are sensing a bit of sarcasm in my tone, then you're right on. I got a letter the week after I filed stating that I was approved. So what took another two weeks? I suppose I'll never know. What I DO know is that I'm thankful for the money. And, in the state's defense, I did receive two week's worth of payment at one time. I've really only missed one week's income...just had to wait for the other two week's worth.

In a couple more weeks I have to go report to the employment office. I hope they're as nice as they were when I was there a few years ago. Basically, I'm overqualified for most jobs they have on their books. Last time the counselor I worked with told me I was qualified to do HER job, but they just didn't have any openings.

My prayer is that by the time I have to report to the employment office, I'll already have my new job. The one I want, the Disability Determinations counselor, doesn't close till the 23rd. I'm guessing I won't hear anything from them till at least after that date.

These three weeks have been the strangest...I've not received ONE call about any of the resumes/applications I've submitted. And, I even applied at one place I've already worked...they haven't called either! Freaky! However, I trust God and His plan for me. I know His timing is absolutely perfect...always has been and always will be. In the mean time, I'm getting in some serious scrapbooking time and doing a little extra cleaning around the house. I'm also watching a few soaps (yes, you read correctly...soaps). The funny thing about them is it makes me know how awesome my life is - even without a job. I have one child (and I know who his daddy is!), one husband and NO boyfriend...and I cook and clean on my own. The writing and acting leave a LOT to be desired...but so do a lot of prime-time soaps (that's all the prime-time dramas really are, folks!).

Well, I'm off to the kitchen to cook up a big batch of pancakes and french toast for the freezer. Think I might pull out the bread machine today, too. This house is gonna smell GOOD!!! =)


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad I'm still not getting calls on anything I have applied for and Rich looked over my resume to make sure it was as good as possible. I am like you I have faith God will provide the right one at the right time but I do wish he'd hurry up!

Donna B. said...

I will agree in faith with you for your job that God has secured but has to reveal. In the meantime, enjoy your scrapbooking. I was supposed to be doing that daily once all the kids were in school and instead I am working daily for the first time in 15 years.