Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Change is coming

Change has been officially announced in our household as of today. My husband has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Thankfully his numbers are still relatively low, but they're still high enough to qualify for the diagnosis.

I went to the bookstore today and purchased two different cookbooks and a book solely about type 2. Since I'm the chef of the house, I'm going to have to learn a different way of choosing and cooking foods. The doctor did not set him up with a diabetic educator yet, so I'll be investigating that. I know one of the hospitals we have access to has an educator, so it's just a matter of coordinating the details with the doctor's office.

To be honest, I'm concerned. I won't say that I'm afraid because I know I can change. But...it's changing the way I was raised to cook. Maybe we'll get into all of this and I'll find out it won't be that big of a change...maybe just switching out a few ingredients. Truthfully, we don't fry our food. Most things are baked and not breaded. I'm thinking a lot more chicken and turkey and a lot less beef.

I know it will be a slow process to learn all of the ins and outs. Please pray for us. Pray that the learning process will be smooth and that Jim will make right choices in what and how much he eats. We will all three eat what he eats, so that will help. If I have to, I'll clear every food item out of our house and only restock what's allowed. Diabetes is not a good thing, but this will be a good change for our family. We CAN do this!

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